Let'im Move You: This Is A Formation
Artisitic Direction | Jumatatu Poe
Choreography | Donte Jermone Becham & Jumatatu Poe
A 3 channel video installation, with both live-feed and prerecorded content, projected onto 12 fabric panels. This video installation was performed live for the evening-length dance Let'im Move You: This is a Formation, February 2019 in Philadelphia at the Painted Bride Art Center. The work was performed again October 2019 at Abrons Art Center in NYC.
Transcoding Shrine
neon led, acrylic tubes, metallic vinyl, silk flowers, plastic foliage, video projection
Devotees of New Media, with its various incarnations, held Transcoding as its highest manifestation. The fashioned improvised sites of ecstatic disobedience like this one to serve as reminders of infinite abundance. The downward facing triangle of this video shrine evokes the downward flow of nectar from the Divine Femme, from spirit into cyberspace.
QUEER FORMS Exhibition
Katherine E. Nash Gallery
"This multidisciplinary group exhibition and series of public programs that investigate and celebrate the history, politics and culture of LGBTQ+ Liberation across a range of artistic forms and perspectives, QUEER FORMS, coincides with the anniversary of of these important historical markers in the history of LBGTQ+ Liberation: the fiftieth anniversary of the establishment of FREE (Fight Repression of Erotic Expression), a Gay student organization at the University of Minnesota, and the Stonewall Rebellion in New York in 1969; and the sixtieth anniversary of the resistance to police harassment of LGBTQ+ people at Cooper Do-nuts in Los Angels in 1959."
z∑n's ∆ƒ®º As†®∆L D®∑åM Ç°N†inµµm part II
Dream meditation soundscape for the audio - visual collaboration between Zen Jefferson / dø√∑Ç@K∑ & Mx. Oops - on invitation from Sonya Lindfors for the Side Step festival on dreaming and postcolonial futures in Helsinki, Feb 7, 2018.
For the colonized, waking life is oppressive across many dimensions of experience. We swim in an ocean of whiteness that never needs to announce itself, reenforcing its domain. Dream is a space to exercise freedom. But our minds are conditioned by colonial legacies, and our conditioning still influences the stuff of dream. This decolonial dreaming practice is not quite utopian or dystopian, but heterotopian; a playground that is also a battlefield. Our audio-visual journey does not announce its blackness, instead, it emerges from the blackness of void, as a modernization of the ancient practice of visioning.
House of Realness
Weiner Festwochen
3-Channel Video Mapping & Design
For Live Performance & Afterparty
Color Feedback
Gia T Presents
The Frequency of Structure and Flow
3-channel Video Installation
For improvised dance/music performance.
Wood Street Galleries, Pittsburgh, PA