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Awakening Your Light Body

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Hello! Welcome to the Awakening Your Light Body course page. My name is Mx. Oops, MX for short, and I am thrilled to be teaching this upcoming course. I took this course in 2001, at the tender age of 17 years old, and it remains the most profound shift in my life. I will do my best to distill what I have learned through the 20 years of practice with these energy centers for this class cycle. In my experience, the light body can open expansive inner spaces that can then be reflected into your work, relationships, and any area of your life you focus your radiant awareness.

We will use gentle yoga postures and breathing exercises to prepare for a series of guided meditations. You will learn how to engage your seven vibrational energy body centers and three light body centers to bring a more illuminated awareness to your daily life. While the class will be on Zoom, much of that time will be with our eyes closed in meditation, and with the lunch break, we will avoid a screen time overload. The bulk of the course happens between classes with the home study materials.


This course consists of:

  • Six live classes, spaced three weeks apart 

  • Six volumes of guided meditation, each with 12 journeys

  • An online forum to keep the discussion going between classes

  • Five 20-minute check-ins with a light body graduate mentor

  • Short readings from the frontier of brain studies, heart coherence, and Yoga Philosophy.

This course will provide actionable tools to improve your resilience and wellbeing. If you are drawn to this course, you are ready to invest the consistency in your daily practice to effect change in your life. This transformation is an adventure inward, developing more granularity in your felt-sense experience, moment-to-moment. Since our "inner life" and "outer life" are experienced as one continuum, the light you generate in meditation spills out into your life.


The benefit of going through this transformation in a group is that as your energy-body is stimulated, you might be inspired to make changes in your life and interactions with others. This increased inner focus may reorganize your priority lists.  In my experience, it has helped to have others around that are going through a similar unfolding.

2021 Sundays 10-3pm  on Zoom

10am-12pm Session

12pm-1pm Lunch Break

1pm-3pm Session

2/7, 2/28, 3/21, 4/11, 5/2, 5/23



$750 Six Live Classes & Online Facilitation

$400 Awakening Your Light Body Six-Volume Guided Meditation Set

$50 Administrative Fee 

Total = $1200


To register for this course, reserve your spot by submitting your $150 deposit to the Original Medicine Institute for the Healing Arts below.




Payment Options

1) Deposit of $150 payable before the first class, then a $262.50 payment per month for 4 months. First payment due February 7.


2) OR $300 a month X 4 months. First $300 payment due with registration.


3) OR Pay $150 deposit with registration and balance of $1050 with the first class. 

If the total is paid by cash or check by the first class date, the $50 administrative fee is waived. 

If you have any questions about this course, email MX at And, if you have questions about the registration process or about the Original Medicine Institute's other programming, contact



This course is offered by the Original Medicine Institute for the Healing Arts, and will be taught by OMIHA faculty, Mx. Oops. 

The Original Medicine Institute for the Healing Arts is a not-for-profit, 501 (c) 3 spiritually-based educational organization. We offer pathways of healing in partnership with the earth, through workshops, professional development retreats, and online courses. []

Mx. Oops, MX for short, is a professor of multimedia performance, dance, and somatic studies at Lehman College, City University of New York. They have been studying the light body work since 2001, as well as completing over 300 hours of study of the human energy field and group energy with Roselight, include the Golden Body Teacher Training. This 20-year study of energy healing and meditation is supported by a 500hr RYT Yoga teacher training at Yoga School NY, with Guta Hedwig who teaches in the Krishnamacharya/Desikachar lineage. This yoga study has been over ten years, and includes annual daily practice updates. In 2008 and 2016, MX completed 195 hours of study at the ITM Massage School in Chiang Mai, Thailand. All of this study is synthesized through their sound massage practice, dance, performance, and teaching. []

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